Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Is All About Presents (According To Them!)

We don't really celebrate Christmas every year. At most, we just buy "Christmas" gifts for the kids to sort of "experience" the joy of receiving presents from us. This year, we brought the kids to Toys"R"Us and it was kinda chaotic. 

Some children are fickle minded, some children know what they want. Same applies to my children...

YQ wanted a doll's head whereby she could pretend to be a hairdresser so she picked up a box of toy that cost out of our budget we allocated for each child. Hb tried to persuade her to change her choice to other types of toys but she was very insistent & clung the box tightly to her chest wherever she went *__*

YS was indecisive type. Initially he wanted a Furby toy but was rejected by hb so he went round and round looking for other toys that he might or might not like. In the end he settled for a toy car with compartment box. 

Junior YS loves anything that has wheels. Naturally he took any toys that can zoom..zoom..zoom...but because there were so many types of toys with wheels, he also could not decide which one he liked best. In the end, hb bought him 2 small toy cars..haha! 

Yes, we spent a long time there looking for toys & queuing up for gift wrapping. My feet were aching & all of us were famished by the time everything was done. 

Conversation between us & the children:

YS: Mummy! Why we don't celebrate Christmas like everyone does?
Me: Well...because we are Buddhist? 
YS: But I want Christmas present like my friends do...
Me: Okay...you go and ask your papa *__*

While queuing up for Christmas presents wrapping service...
YS: Papa...can we don't wrap our presents and just go home? The queue so long leh...
Hb: If we don't wrap the presents then it will not be a Christmas present anymore..
YS: But...must wait so long...
Hb: If you want Christmas present then you will have to wait for your turn to get your presents wrap up
YS: *gave a super long face*

When we reached home...
Children: Can we open the present?
Hb: No! Christmas present must wait until Christmas day then can open
Children: Har? Must wait so long....but will the present suddenly go missing?
Me: Don't worry...I will keep them in a safe place :)

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