Friday, May 9, 2008

New Sandals

YanShang needed a new pair of sandals so I went to Bugis Junction Shopping Centre yesterday during lunch hour to look for one. Luckily, the children's shoes section was having sale. I browsed thru all the shoes & finally decided on the BubbleGum Sandals (fyi, the sandals back sole has blinking lights while the child is walking, YanShang was so happy when he saw it). Since BubbleGum was having 20% off all shoes, I bought a new pair of sandals for YongQing as well (that is what I call killing 2 birds with 1 stone, muahaha!). So happily I took the 2 pair of shoes off the shelves and went to ask the service staff for the correct sizes.

Me: Excuse me Miss! Do you have this shoes bigger than my palm size (fyi, I can't seem to find the exact size stated on the current sandals that YanShang was wearing, so I placed the sandals on my palm to measure the length :P)

Sales girl: How old is your son?

Me: ? 2 1/2 (looking amused by her question)

Sales girl: Are you sure your son's feet so big?

Me: Yah! Of course, I measured already mah! Can't be wrong...anyway do you have a size bigger?

Sales girl: Yes! Is your son Ang Moh?

Me: He's not, he's 100% chinese! (Lame question lor! Who say Asian boy cannot have big feet? His height is taller than some kids around his age already)

After all the ding dong, she finally went to get those shoes that I wanted. Inside my heart I was a bit pissed off when she asked me all those lame questions. Of course, I didn't show her my black face, no point wasting my time to argue with her about my son's height or built.

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