Monday, May 18, 2009

YQ-23 Months / YS-44 Months

YQ is slowly getting used to the CC life...I have not tried putting her for full day care yet as she's still not very stable yet. Although she has cut down on her crying, but she still dare not mingle much with the children in the CC. I hope in time to come, she will be able to get used to the routine in the school. As for diaper training, I was so stressed up at work & home that I simply ignore the potty training session with her for the time being.

As for YS, I have been letting him to go diaperless during naptime & so far no accident yet. I have noticed that he flares up more easily now. But other than that, he has shown some improvement in his reading skill ability& able to tell me what he has been doing in school everyday too.

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