Friday, June 18, 2010

Random pics update for the week...

YQ was asked to be the flower girl for one of my in law's relatives' wedding on 17th June. It was her 1st experience & was glad that she was very co-operative on that day. It was her 1st time seeing her cousins from the states & she seemed to like them very much (which was good coz she has to hold one of them as flower boy during the march in). It's just a pity I wasn't at the actual scene to see the ceremony.

Rehearsal @ the church

Actual wedding day march in

On the 18th June was YQ's actual b'day, I have ordered a nice 2 tier barbie ballerina cake from Prima Deli for her. She only got to see the actual cake on her b'day and she loved it. I pre-packed her goody bags for her classmates a few days before hand. Luckily my mum was able to help me to collect the cake and passed everything to the teacher for the mini celebration. Time passed so fast & my little girl has turned 3 years old. In actual fact, when I looked at my childhood photos I realised she has the splitting image of me when I was as young as her. She has been always been the sensible kid in my eyes and she loves being with me. There will be times when she made me very mad...but overall she's still my little darling.

Her birthday cake

A pic taken with her classmates from Nursery class

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