Monday, November 10, 2014

A BBQ Birthday Party

It was a wonderful day to have a Barbeque party at my in-laws' place, a valid reason to celebrate, a chance to indulge and a lame excuse to get fat! haha!

No prize for guessing what food was the hot favourite among the kids....SATAYS! *yums*
Brother in law also prepared very yummy portobello mushrooms with shredded cheese and english parsley, very juicy :)

Lastly, a very yummy durian cake from Emicakes for my hb's 37th birthday celebration. He has been hinting to me to buy durians a few times so I decided to surprise him with one durian cake.

Happy Birthday hubby!
No doubt I'm can be quite harsh with my words at times but you know its all for your own good. Thank you for putting up with all my nonsense all these years and just want to let you know that I nag so often because I care.

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