Monday, December 12, 2016

Fly To Busan - Part 2

Jagalchi Market + BIFF Square

First time trying to take the subway in Busan. The subway map looked complicated (or maybe just to me :P), luckily we were able to choose English language option to understand how to purchase our tickets. If you can follow the instruction properly, it's not complicated after all.

Another tourist site you can't miss is the Jagalchi Market, it's Korea's largest seafood market. They sell all sorts of live and dried seafood. I love the smell of seafood and the smell made me missed my grandparents too. I remembered waking up in the wee hours and tagged along with them to the seafood wholesale market in Malaysia. They would buy lots of fishes to sell in the market.

Fresh ginsengs were easily available everywhere, even in the supermarket.

Seafood was stacked up nicely waiting for people to buy.


Dried fishes were arranged neatly.

Mussels & clams were sorted out neatly on baskets.

As we walked past small stalls along the stretch of road, we reached the place whereby more stalls on the ground level were selling more seafood.

Luckily, our local friends did all the bargaining and selection of fresh seafood for us. Otherwise, they might have sold us slightly more expensive seeing that we are just tourists.

We proceeded to the 2nd level to sit down and waited for the restaurant to cut and cooked for us.

The place was quite spacious.

I've been wanting to try the live octopus for a long....time. It's like one of my bucket lists to fulfil if I ever come to Korea. I know what you are thinking...looked gross right? I never knew that mixing cut live octopus with some sesame oil and sesame seeds can taste so heavenly in the mouth.

Fresh sashimi were very yummy too.

This leaf tasted slightly minty but overall it's quite nice to the palate.

Seafood or fish stews were our favourites to consume on a cold weather.

After a sumptuous lunch, we walked to the nearby BIFF (Busan International Film Festival) Square. Yes....food heaven again! While we were there, we must try one of their famous street food, ssiat hotteok! 

This stall seemed to be quite popular (I don't know why?), people were queuing up to buy their hotteok.

No doubt, hotteok was a very oily food but my belly was very happy that day too. In fact, we went back to buy for the 2nd round before we left that place.

There were various stalls selling other food that looked so huge.

Of course, how can I leave the place without trying their 32cm long ice-cream? Yums!

BIFF Square is located near Gukje Market (no pictures). We took a short walk around that area and decided to head back to the hotel and rest. A bit regretted that I did not do any shopping that day.

Look out for Part 3 as we went to the wedding venue "Gimhae Hanok Experience Hall" and celebrate the joy of our friend's wedding.

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