Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Another Milestone for Junior YS

The littlest has been asking us to bring him on a cycling trip coz he enjoyed sitting on the bicycle while we pedal so hard to get to our destinations..haha! Therefore, I told him that we can go on a cycling trip as a family again provided he was willing to learn how to ride a bicycle on two wheels.

Seriously, I never expect him to learn it faster than jie jie and kor kor because they only started to master it when they were 8 years old. Plus after the previous cycling lesson incident, we decided not to force it on him and waited till he was mentally ready to learn again.

Just a few months ago, he started to ask us to teach him again. Hb was the one being tasked to teach them (Yup, coz this mama is too impatient to teach :P) and we had to wait until he was available due to his busy working schedule. On New Year day, we decided to fulfil his request and after hb guided him for around 15 minutes, he managed to cycle independently without any help, hooray!

Yes! all of us were cheering for him and felt so proud of his achievement. He has officially learnt how to ride a bicycle at 6 years old. We can't wait to organise a cycling trip soon.

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